Based on a manga written by Tatsuhiko Yamagami, the story is set in a former seaport town Uobuka, where 6 former lawbreakers were sent out to live there by the government, with the intention of re-socialising them. Other than the few that understand about the job, the general townsfolk has no idea of the previous convicts' identities. Tsukisue is the pleasant as well as reliable local official put in charge of the programme. As he slowly learns about their past, a body is found.
Based on a manga written by Tatsuhiko Yamagami, the story is set in a former seaport town Uobuka, where 6 former lawbreakers were sent out to live there by the government, with the intention of re-socialising them. Other than the few that understand about the job, the general townsfolk has no idea of the previous convicts' identities. Tsukisue is the pleasant as well as reliable local official put in charge of the programme. As he slowly learns about their past, a body is found.